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Poezii de halloween pentru copii


Poezii de Halloween pentru copii in limba engleza, versuri usor de retinut si sugestive.



Sandra Liatsos


There's a goblin at my window,
A monster by my door.
The pumpkin at my table
Keeps on smiling more and more.
There's a ghost who haunts my bedroom,
A witch whose face is green.
They used to be my family,
Till they dressed for Halloween.



The Strangest Sight I've Ever Seen


The strangest sight I've ever seen
Was a fat old witch on a flying machine.
The witch flew high,
The witch flew low,
The witch flew fast,
The witch flew slow.
The witch flew up,
The witch flew down.
Then she circled 'round the town.
Then turning left
And turning right
She disappeared into the night.
The strangest sight I've ever seen
Was a fat old witch on a flying machine
Of course it happened on Halloween!



Halloween Just Can't Be Beat

Nancy Sesok


Dark night, moon so bright,
What a scary Halloween sight.


Black cats, flying bats,
Witches wearing pointy hats.


Ghosts are scary, monsters hairy,
A girl's dressed up like a fairy.


Eerie sounds, pumpkins round,
Spooky things are all around.


Running feet, a tasty treat
Halloween just can't be beat.




Mary Jane Carr


Witches flying past on broomsticks,
Black cats leaping here and there,
White-robed spooks on every corner,
Mournful moaning in the air,


Goblins peering out of windows,
Spirit-things that rap and run-
But don't be scared-it's just October,
Having one last hour of fun!




Harry Behn


Tonight is the night
When dead leaves fly
Like witches on switches
Across the sky,
When elf and sprite
Flit through the night
On a moony sheen.


Tonight is the night
When leaves make a sound
Like a gnome in his home
Under the ground,
When spooks and trolls
Creep out of holes
Mossy and green.


Tonight is the night
When pumpkins stare
Through sheaves and leaves
When ghoul and ghost
And goblin host
Dance round their queen.
It's Halloween!



Black and Gold

Nancy Byrd Turner


Everything is black and gold,
Black and gold, tonight;
Yellow pumpkins, yellow moon,
Yellow candlelight;


Jet-black cat with golden eyes,
Shadows black as ink,
Firelight blinking in the dark
With a yellow blink.


Black and gold, black and gold,
Nothing in between -
When the world turns black and gold,
Then it's Halloween!



On Halloween

Aileen Fisher


We mask our faces
and wear strange hats
and moan like witches
and screech like cats
and jump like goblins
and thump like elves
and almost manage
to scare ourselves.

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