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Mesaje, sms, felicitari si statusuri de iubire in limba engleza

mesaje iubireDaca doriti sa faceti o supriza iubitei/iubitului in ocazii mai speciale ca Valentine’s day – Sfantul Valentin, ziua de nastere, ziua onomastica, va puteti inspira din aceste mesaje de iubire in limba engleza. Puteti folosi mesajele pentru a le trasmite prin sms, pe mail, sub forma unei felicitari sau le puteti utiliza ca statusuri pe messenger sau diverse alte retele de socializare: facebook, myspace, twitter, digg, etc.

A day without you is like a day without light because you light up me life.

Being with you is like having every single one of my wishes come true.

Close together or far apart you’re forever in my heart!

Don’t find love, let love find you. That’s why it’s called falling in love because you don’t force yourself to fall, you just fall.

Gifts come in various shapes and sizes … But the nicest one came as you, honey! You are a true blessing to me!

Heart to heart talks … Whispering those sweet nothings … And your smiles that say … You love me! Sweetheart I am so happy, we found each other.

Hearts and candy can never be as sweet as my love for you.

I love now, tomorrow and today, and if God give me the time … I’ll love you ‘till the end of my life …

I love two things, a rose and you. A rose for a short while but you for the rest of my life.

I love you enough to fight for you, compromise for you and sacrifice myself for you if need be. Enough to miss you incredibly when we’re apart, no matter what length of time it’s for and regardless of the distance. Enough to believe in our relationship, to stand by it through the worse of times, to have faith in our strength as a couple and to never give up on us. Enough to spend the rest of my life with you, be there for you when you need or want me, and never, ever want to leave you or live without you. I love you this much.

If I could have just one wish, I would wish to wake up every day to the sound of your breath on my neck, the warmth of your lips on my cheek, the touch of your fingers on my skin and the feel of your heart beating with mine … knowing that I could never find the feeling with anyone other than you. I love you!

It takes half of our life to find true love, and half to keep them. I am lucky to spend less than half in finding you and the rest of my life to be spent in keeping you in my heart.

Love – if you have it, you don’t need to have anything else, and if you don’t have it, it doesn’t matter much what else you have.

Love is a many splendid thing. Love lifts us up where we belong. All you need is love!

Love is giving and sharing of two hearts together.

Love is the sweetest emotion, that springs in my heart, love is like that tender kiss, you gave me at the start, love is to see that special smile, appear on your face, love is a bouquet, with its trimmings and lace, love is like sunshine, strong and true, love is all that I feel so deeply for you.

My love is like an ocean, it goes down so deep. My love is a rose, whose beauty you want to keep. My love is like river, it runs and never ends. My love is like a dove, with a beautiful message to send. My love is like a song, that goes on and on forever. My love is like a prisoner, it’s to you that I surrender.

O, my dear Valentine, what’s life? Life is love. What’s love? Love is kissing. What’s kissing? Come here and I will show you. I love you!

Once upon a time, something happened to me, it was the sweetest thing, that could ever be. A fantasy, a dream come true, it was the day that I met you!

Some happenings are beyond reason, like the wonder of your love. Some feelings are only understood by the heart as pure as yours. So much like … our love.

Teach me, to see the world in a different light, the light of your love. Help me, to learn to cherish each new day and all the opportunities that it brings. Give me, the strength to handle life’s problems knowing tht you are beside me. Let me, be comfortable in the knowledge that since you have come into my life I will never walk alone.

The virtue of true love is not finding the perfect person, but loving the imperfect person perfectly.

True love is what I feel for you, for you have my soul, heart and passion.

Tucked within your heart is my whispered … I love you … just a reminder that it’s still there.

What I have in you is what every person in the world is searching for. I love you!

What is love? Love is when someone breaks your heart and the most amazing thing is that you still love the person with each broken piece.

When you touch someone with your spirit, and in turn they touch your soul with their heart.

With these flowers, I just wanted you to know, with every passing day, I love you more and more!

You are only far away from me in distance, but you are right here in my mind and in my heart. I miss you!

You’re so beautiful, you’re so fine, I wish so dearly that you would be mine, today and always you are in my heart, so please make me happy be my Valentine, forever and always, we will never be apart.

You are the sunshine of my life! Thanks for brightening my world with the warmth of your Love...

You can fall from the sky. You can fall from the tree. But the best way to fall, is in love with me.

Your love is the best gift I could have asked for …

Your love turns an ordinary world into something special.

Your presence in my life has always brought wonderful smile and loving thoughts within my heart.

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